Wednesday, July 29, 2009

How To Survive The Recession Without A Bailout

How To Survive The Recession Without A Bailout
February 23, 2009

Worried about the economy? Don’t hold you breathe for a bailout! I think it is fair to say that none of the Billions being handed out in this recent bailout are coming down Main St. So…
There are no easy ways to the top. Just ways for those who want it the most. As an entrepreneur, it is the survival of the fittest. If you are still an employee, learning how to think like an entrepreneur is the best way to rise above the masses. You need to be proactive, always picking up the slack, over producing, and never trying to get away with any shortcuts. A successful entrepreneur is the exact opposite of an entitlement minded employee. Also, realize that success is about the process and the journey—not the destination. You will never fully arrive at success. You will always be tormented with endless opportunities that are all around you. You’ll see possibilities that most people are blind to. This is a process however—there is no shortcut so you might as well stop looking for it. Success is always earned, never given. How badly do you want it? It’s entirely up to you. But you already knew that.

Get off your ass.

It’s easy—free your mind, and your ass will follow. ‘Busy’ness is not good business. It is a form of laziness. Most people approach their businesses and jobs as if they are simply a way to stay busy. A way to just “put in time.” Society also reinforces the notion that as long as you are busy, you are getting stuff done—and therefore doing a good job. It’s the lazy way to get nowhere. So—right now—get off your ass and figure out the top five things that you KNOW you can do to take your income to the next level. Regardless how difficult or challenging they may seem. Regardless of the fact that you would rather get a root canal than complete the task. In fact I would say that the more resistant you are to completing a task, the higher up on your list it should go. Do this every day and then work on each of the five until they are complete. You can’t be lazy and successful at the same time. Lazy entrepreneurs are the 90% who fail.

Learn how to follow-through.

Most people do the things they like to do as long as they like doing them. Hmmm—sound familiar? How many things have you started in your career or business that you have not followed through with? Now think about if you would have completed each of them. Okay, now add the top five things on your daily list for the last year. Where would your life be right now? How would your business look? Your income? Why are most employees willing to do more for their boss than they are for themselves? Why do we need someone yelling in our ear to keep us motivated? It’s very simple. As humans, once an ounce of disenchantment kicks in, we lose interest and we start to look for all kinds of supporting evidence to justify not following though. No one cares what you started; it’s what you finish that matters. Success is about accomplishment. Learn that disenchantment is a normal part of the human condition and learn how to deal with or you will become a statistic like 90%. Whether or not you allow disenchantment to control your follow-through is up to you and no one else. Stop being a victim and start following though.

Increase your value to society.

Some say that your income is simply a by-product of your passion applied to society. Or of how indispensable you are. Making coffee at Starbucks is a huge promotion from the corner store clerk. Managing that same Starbucks may seem like a promotion to the barista behind the counter, but it’s nothing compared to the guy paying for his $4 Frappachino and who plays for the Pittsburgh Steelers. The ladder to the top is a long one but there are no ceilings. I have made multiple, multiple 7-figures in my short stint as an entrepreneur. But I have NEVER stopped the pursuit of my passions and increasing my value to society. Make your purpose about THIS, and not making money per se. Watch and see what happens when you put the focus on helping other people solve their problems. Which brings me to the next—and most important— point…

Competition vs. creation.

This one is especially important when companies are looking to cut costs and tighten their margins in a recession like this… When everybody is under the microscope it’s time to stand out. Be the solution generator, the fix-all glue, and ultimate problem solver. Make everyone and everything around you better at what they do. If you can do this, guess what—it makes you indispensable. Successful entrepreneurs create opportunities for themselves by being creative and over-delivering 100% of the time. They don’t rely on their ability to compete on other people’s turf. In fact, I don’t even believe in competition. Put your focus on creating solutions that solve other people’s problems. If you look at life through this lens, you will see nothing but opportunity all around you. This is something YOU create, not compete with. This is the wonderful torment I referred to earlier. Regardless of what happens, one thing stays constant: There will always be lots of people with lots of problems looking for entrepreneurs like myself—like us?—to solve them. Let’s get to work.

Don't be stingy, share with your friends!
By Jay Kubassek
This is one my mentors at:

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