Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Motivating the Diverse Sales Team

One of the mistakes that managers often make when working to build motivation for their teams is that they deliver information or create incentives that they would be motivated by themselves. In any office, there are four basic types of workers. What one type will need for motivation or before they feel comfortable taking on a project will often be different then their peers. There are many companies out there that will type employees with proficiency. This allows the manager to tailor make information, training and incentives to the employee's personality type. However, if that is not an option or if the team is very large, the information included in this article should help build motivation and incentive strategies that appeal to the bulk of most team members.

The four types are critical to any team. No one individual will be all one type so for the purpose of discussion, this article will address the extremes but keep in mind that everyone is a blend of these at some minor level, which is why there are companies to individualize these profiles. The four types for the purpose of information needs are: relational, informational, structured, and the energizer.

Needs: Those in this type are a vital member of any team. They are the glue that hold teams together. They need to know how information given affects their team, the company and/or, if pertinent, their family. When given the right information, they will keep the value of achieving the project or reaching a goal in sight for the whole team.

They often are attracted to incentive strategies that reward their team or office. If the incentive is competition based, then it needs to reward the team or be an incentive they can share with someone else in their life. This type in its truest form does not like to be put above their peers and will often defer any success to the team as a whole. They will often do well at team retreats and other gatherings which require the team to communicate and relate to one another.

Needs: These team members need to know when given projects, the objectives needing to be met. What are the benefits and features? Why is the assigment important to the company? They are the ones on a team always asking questions. They are detailed and will often press deadlines trying to make sure their work is perfect. They are an important component to any team as they make sure objectives are met, policies are followed and will go the extra mile to get the information needed whether to make a sale or complete a project. They are really great on a sales team because they are the best at discerning what a customer is looking for and then meeting that need with the right product.

These team members are often motivated by material or monetary compensations. If incentives are not in this category, then it must be something that clearly meets a need or has value to them. They are the ones that will often try to avoid company gatherings as they often do not feel the need to connect to large social groups preferring small groups of intimate friends and/or family. So recognition in front of the whole company will often be avoided.

Needs: This group is often self motivated. They need to know what needs done, when it needs done by and are there specific instructions or requirements that must be followed. Once they have this information, just step out of their way and let them go. They will achieve a great deal just because it is their job and they value themselves as an employee. They are a valuable component on any team as they keep everyone one track for deadlines and will monitor how the team is doing as a whole if there are team incentives. Their weakness is that they are so direct and goal oriented that they often do not realize when they step on someone else's feelings because their intent is the job and they do not notice nor intend to cause harm.

Motivation: This group will go a long way just by continue small atta boys but they will also thrive on any incentive where they can win some form of recognition for the team or the company. They are also motivated in incentives that require them to beat their own numbers.


Needs: They need tasks that are not too routine. They often become easily distracted by mundane and routine activities and if there is an option will put these off til last. They are a necessary part of any team because they are literally the energy of any group. They do well if given multiple tasks that they can switch between to keep boredom at bay or in positions of constant motion. On sales teams, they are often that high energy guy on the floor. Their weakness is that they can be so end result focused that they run over the client or prospect's needs. They need to be reminded to slow down and listen.

Motivation: Anything they can win! These types of people are often highly competitive. Whether it be as a team or as an individual, they will go for the gold every time. They love any kind of recognition that puts them up front. They are the easiest to motivate. Strangely, what they win does not necessarily need to be financial or material. Recognition can put them on track just as fast as a prize at the end of the day.

As you can see, the extremes of each type have unique needs. If giving a project or goal to such a blended team, you need to answer the following questions to hit all the needs. What needs done? When does it need to be done by? Who will it benefit? What is the reasoning behind the goal/project? If successfully completed, what is the payoff? By hitting these basic questions, you will at the very least prompt additional questions to make sure every team member is invested.

When setting up incentives, there needs to be a combination package. For a sales team an example would be: Recognition for the best performing team, an overall sales winner with preferably a financial bonus, and recognition for those who beat last years numbers during the same similar sales frame. For even more investment, a bonus for everyone that beats last years numbers with a minimum base for new team members would insure that every single team member has something to gain. Your relational team members won't feel guilty because they are competing primarily against themselves and everyone has a chance to win.

As you can see, a diverse team requires a little more thought in presenting information, projects and goals. A diverse team requires a blended method of incentives. A cookie cutter method of information or incentives will not work except for a select few. The benefits of a blended type team is ten fold in output if the informational and motivational strategies are in line. So take the time to consider your audience, look at your team like you would your customers. What do they want and need.

Cheryl Matthynssens
Working to achieve Life Balance in others.

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