Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Is your Business Prepared for 2012?

Is there any Science behind 2012 predictions for the World to end?

There are actually three scientifice hypothesis that can be found at this time. The first is that around 2011 to 2012, our sun will have one of the worst solar storms ever predicted. Mausumi Dikpati of the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) was quoted from science.Nasa.com. "The next sunspot cycle will be 30% to 50% stronger than the previous one," When the sun is throwing out radiation in a solar storm, it effects the ocean currents. This in turn, effects the weather. In the 1958 storm, the northern lights were seen as far south as Mexico on 3 different occaisions.

The effect on our current state of affairs in 2012 at the very least could be on our communication. Our world has become increasing reliant on satellite technology. At the least, we will see weather affects and possible sporadic communication problems. On a more massive scale, it could affect power companies. There is documentation to support that previous solar flares have resulted in subsequent transformer failures. This was with storms of a much smaller magnitude then what is predicted for 2012.

The worst case scenario is that a cascade failure of our power grids will slowly shut down power across the united states. Many other necessities are tied directly to power and such a cascade failure would be difficult to bring back on line quickly. Potable water is reliant on electricty. In our plastic world, few carry cash any more but without power, stores will not be able to take credit cards if they even decide to open. This will continue to spiral. Perishable foods will be gone in 12-24 hours. Depending on the weather, cooling or heating will be an issue for many people. Medicines will not be able to be refilled. Emergency services will be strained as time passes and predictions are that this may last for months. Trade will stop. Banks will close. There are plenty of articles on FOX news and NASA on this upcoming human event. Are you prepared?

The second hypothesis tracking for 2012 is the passing of Planet X. Geologic history shows that there have been world events at a geologic level every 2000 years. Planet X has an approximate 4000 year rotation, which means it is visible every 2000 years. Even more interesting is that more then one culture with little contact with one another have predicted as global event beside the Mayan. Sumerian, Zulu and Hindus also have global or time ending events preducted for 2012. Coincidence? The Mayan and Sumerian's were major civilizations that spawned others, were on different continents and had no contact.

If there is truth to this hypothesis, then the reason for concern is that the passing planet will affect magnetic fields, gravitation of our planet in turn impacting weather, tides and much more. There is much cover up hype around this theory. According to conspiracy theorists, our governments knows all about this approaching catastrophe and is not telling the people of our world because.. well what can we really do about it? So why panic the public? Of the three theories, this one has the most horrific worst case scenarios. Some have hypothesized that the last pass of Planet X resulted in the great flood recorded in the bible.

The third theory is a more complex one. Our galaxy, the Milky Way, has an equator much like our world does. It is called the galatic equator. Our solar system rollar coasts above the plane and back down below it in a very slow movement. In 2012, our solar system will pass through this galatic equator. This will create a great gravitational pull on our solar system. There is data from astronomists to support this move through the galatic equator. It, by itself, would not be so bad. But theory one also has strong scientific data to support. To have the sun at solar maximum at the same time it passes through the galatic equator makes one's imagination jump to all kind of horrific possibilities. It is no wonder that doomsday fanatics have honed in on this date of the Mayan Calendars.

It is easy to consider the horrific possibilities if all three theories turn out to be true. Regardless of whether these theories impact us on a minor scale or a horrific one, it does not hurt to be prepared. The fact is, on our world, earthquakes, tsunamis, floods and tornadoes happen. Our government in the USA has been spreading information to the public to create a 3 day readiness kit. Regardless of the emergency form, preparedness just makes good sense.

This expectation is important for your business as well. Often, disasters such as tsunami, earthquake and tornadoes happen while your employees are at work. It is important that you have a plan in place specifically for business. How will you help them reunite with family or get home? Can you feed and protect them if they are stuck in your place of business? Do they have a way to call and report in as to their status? Plan Now!

Get Prepareness Kits at : http://www.squidoo.com/survivalin2012

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