Tuesday, September 29, 2009
The White PIcket Fence Has Become a Little Grey!
The United States Census Bureau in 2007 reported an increasing number of homeowners are spending a growing amount of their incomes on housing. People in 49 out of 50 states reported an increase. The only state that didn't, Alaska, spent the same amount. The report showed that people are spending around 21 percent on their housing needs, up from 19 percent in 1999. In many areas, and for many Americans, it has reached a much higher number.
At this rate, first-time buyers are being priced out of housing markets all across the country. Economists point to rises in home prices in the last 7 years, as well as higher interest rates, coupled with stagnant wages and lost jobs over the same period. Household incomes, on the other hand, haven't done a very good job of keeping up. The same Census report showed that income has actually dropped, not risen, over the past 7 years, down 2.8 percent.
The report goes on to share the percent of people who allot more than 30% of their income for housing. The numbers are up almost 8%. National guidelines suggest that more than 30% of household income for housing is excessive and not financially healthy. Add to this that many companies take advantage of those desperate to own with shady lending practices and impossible interest rates. If this census was in 2007, one can only guess how much worse the numbers will be in the 2010 census.
Buying and owning a home has dropped to its lowest level in nearly nine years in the first three months of the year at the same time, housing vacancies reached an all-time high, according to figures released early this year by the Commerce Department. In addition, many distressed sellers are facing declining home values, their rates on adjustable mortgages have gone up, divorce prompted by stress around finances and even loss of health to stress related illnesses. This only adds to the amount of foreclosures and housing vacancies.
What does this mean in the long run?
The real estate market will remain lifeless until income can catch up to housing. And since real estate is one of the biggest drivers to the overall economy, a weak real estate market means a weak economy. The downward spiral is easy to follow. If no one is buying homes, then the number of new homes being built then decline. This means that all those individuals that earn their income in the building industry now are losing jobs or have lowered income due to fewer contracts. Continue down, these individuals are not spending money they would normally have and down it spirals impacting out. A giant ripple effect that is long reaching!
Until income can begin to grow as quickly as the real estate market, this trend shows no signs of slowing down. This could mean that the upcoming real estate slump could last much longer than anyone predicted. The true impact and prediction will be measured with the 2010 Census. The only consumers that will benefit from this current trend are those with the financial position to buy up property that has dropped in value and can afford to hold on to it for a long term investment.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Live In the Moment! Be Present!
On the reverse side, if you are at that lake with the family and your mind is on work or you are answering messages, you are missing the miracle of family. You may miss that first dive or that accomplishment of overcoming a fear or beating a sibling for the first time. Children and Grandchildren grow so fast. Every moment you are with them, but not present, you are missing the miracle of childhood. Live life with no regrets! If you look back and wish you had been home more, you can never make that up.
One of the hard things about a J.O.B (Just over broke) is that you do not have freedom. That means that you have to work harder to get that balance in your life that is so crucial to stress management and happiness.
Physically - Be Present when you eat. Take the time to actually taste your food. Enjoy it. This lowers stress, lowers how much you eat and makes meals something to look forward to. Have dinner with people you care about. Make your meals about socializing and not about how quick can I get to the TV or back to that report that is due on my desk. Take care of your body! It is the main vehicle that has to get you through the next 70+ years. Pay attention to how you feel. Get exercise, plenty of water and good nutrition.
Socially - Be Present in your organizations. It doesn't do you any good to join a business organization whether it is MLM or Direct Marketing if you stand on the fringes and watch what others are doing. Dive in there. If you are volunteering, don't wait for someone to ask, Dive in there. Be present and let others know what your strengths are. You never know what opportunity will arise because someone remembered you from a PTA meeting, a spiritual gathering or a business meeting.
Mentally - What ever you are doing, where ever you are, be there in mind and spirit. Listen, really listen, to what others are saying. People, including me, are often so busy thinking about what they want to say next, they are not really hearing what their prospect is saying. If you really listen, you will connect better with family, prospects and customers. They will feel validated and important. Karl A. Menninger once said, " Listening is a magnetic and strange thing, a creative force. The friends who listen to us are the ones we move toward. When we are listened to, it creates us, makes us unfold and expand."
Spiritually - Many think religion when they hear this word. But while it can include religion, it is not limited to religion. It is about staying in touch with that all important "I". What are you doing to stay centered? Are you happy? If not, what do you need to change? Ask yourself as you look at this, will _________ matter six months from now? If not, let it go. Spend time with you and be present. Don't let your mind wander to business, family or even finances. Just spend a little time being present with the most important person in your life. YOU!
For me, being present is so important. As a Direct Marketer with my company, I need to stay in the moment when I am working. If my mind is on dinner, the fact that it is so hot outside and I want to go to the lake, I won't get the things done I need to do with the quality that will bring me what I want.
Being present is especially important to those who are in business for themselves. Businesses need your attention to stay productive. Learn how to Market your business is crucial. Paying attention to current trends, really listening and focusing on what is working now. If this is an area that is weak for you, you can get training. There are many places out there to get such education. If you don't have an idea where to start, try Balanced Freedom, my site. We have great training, easy to follow instructions and marketing plans for any budget, EVEN ZERO Budget.
So how do you stay present? Practice! You need to catch yourself when your mind is drifting and remind yourself why being where ever you are in that moment was important to you. If it isn't important to you, ask yourself a even more important question, why are you there?
Have a Prosperous Day!
Cheryl Matthynssens
Monday, September 21, 2009
Amazing New Way of Generating Advertising, Traffic and Sales
Traffic Python is a new site that says it guarantees more CONVERTING web visitors and online advertising with very little effort or cost. So I decided to put it to the test...
My first impression was the site looks professional and clean, with an attractive look and feel. It is easy to read and understand. Joining the site was easy and painless--they do offer 2 upgrade options but they are not required to gain the benefits.
The Members Area is very well laid out and intuitive--I could figure out what to do after only a few minutes and was able to get up and running in less than 5 minutes. Inside the site, you create links and ads--the links you simply enter any URL links you use into the generator and it transforms them into "Traffic Python" links. You create ads for anything you want to promote using the Traffic Python Ad Generator, which is very easy to use. You can create as many links and as many ads as you like. And they are organized in a logical way--links are displayed in the order you create them but also your 5 most recent links appear on the main page for quick reference. Also, since the link generator is the tool you'll use most, it is also right at the top of the main page when you login. Very smart!
After you've created at least 1 link and 1 ad you can start to generate traffic. Just use and promote the new Traffic Python link instead of the original source link you had. Every time the Traffic Python link is clicked, the page loads followed by a cool slide-up ad window at the bottom. It displays an ad PLUS an image with your affiliate link that goes back to Traffic Python. So if anyone clicks the Traffic Python image they see the site, and if they signup they become your referral. It's a great viral feature because you can build referrals without even trying to just by using the site.
Now every time the ad window displays (your Traffic Python links get clicked) you earn credits that get YOUR ad displayed in the ad windows when other members' links get clicked. So the more clicks, the more times your ads get displayed.
And this works virally--meaning as you make referrals into Traffic Python (either by promoting it or just using it and visitors click the Traffic Python image on the ad window to join) you also earn ad credits on THEIR link clicks. And this works up to 5 levels deep. So you can create a massive amount of free ad views and web traffic by referring others to Traffic Python also.
I didn't get to test the full effect of a big downline yet (I just got the tool) but I can tell you the rest of the site works exactly as stated--my links got clicked, I earned credits, and my ads got displayed. Traffic Python even tracked my results so I know how many clicks and how many ad displays. That was an impressive unadvertised extra feature.
There is one more benefit and feature which might be the best of them all--downline emailing. You can email your downline with offers, promotions, or whatever you like, and here is where Traffic Python really shines. They took time to make the emailing often enough that it's valuable as a user, but no so often that it's a burden to your downline. But the best part about this feature (and actually the credit earning too) is that it tells you exactly how long until you can mail again. Now THAT's cool.
Overall I have to say I am impressed with Traffic Python. It is simple yet powerful, and delivers on its promises. Highly recommended to anyone who wants to increase traffic and advertising.
See it and join here:
Have a Prosperous Day
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Traits of a Successful Entreprenuer
Optimism is looking at any event and seeing the positives rather than the things that will hinder progress.
Optimism continues to be a primary factor in whether or not an individual will stay focused on goals rather than being thwarted by the negative events that would impede progress. It is the absolute ideal that leads to achievement as nothing can be done without hope. Therefore, it is the very essence of success.
An Entrepreneur with optimism is always looking for ways to make things better. Rather than focusing on what hasn't worked, they will diligently search for an answer that will work. It is closely tied to self-esteem and one's sense of well being. It is well known that people are attracted to others who seem happy and successful. Optimism gives off the aura of success to clients, friends and family, creating a self-fulfilling prophecy of positivity.
President Reagan was an example of a true optimist. He was able to bring a sense of positivity to his office even when our country was faced with pessimist predictions. The bottom line is that it is an essential quality for achievement and a principle foundation to courage.
Can you think outside the box? Can you try what has never been done?
So many people get caught up in statistics. They fail because they are told they will fail or they do what they have always done expecting a different result. Dare to be different! Sometimes, even as a business owner, imagination trumps knowledge! While it is true, there is risk with being creative; it is also true that doing the same thing expecting a different outcome is a certainty to failure.
If creativity is something you are not used to utilizing, know that it can be learned to a large extent. Brainstorm a list of possibilities no matter how wild. Then, go back over the list looking for the unusual but plausible. Enhanced creativity when looking at possible business solutions increases the flow of ideas within the framework of a set of desired goals. Dare to be different enough to lead the way and break through the stereotyped ceilings that are set by those who fear jumping a little higher.
Risk Taker
Having the courage to step out into the unknown and pursue a personal dream!
When opportunity knocks, it does not come with a crystal ball. Many look back and wish they had bought into Microsoft and Yahoo when it was an unknown entity but fearing failure, made cautious investments. It is the entrepreneurial, risk taking spirit that ventured into uncharted waters. Had these risk taking individuals listened to investors seeking to avoid failure, we might be years behind in our current progress. Face it, it takes people who are genuinely creative and willing to risk, to break in to new markets and race out ahead of those who will realize a new path has been blazed and follows suit.
Having the drive to reach the finish line no matter what it takes!
Read the want ads of any major paper and you will see ad after ad for "experienced and energetic." So what are they really saying they are looking for? Truth, they are looking for someone to pick up an idea once it has been approved or accepted and then run with it. Such individuals are valuable to companies because they save both time and money. So imagine how invaluable such a trait is to the entrepreneur.
Those who can project high energy are often seen as more reliable and more self-confident. These traits inspire confidence in clients and customers and will keep them coming back for repeat business. High energy also keeps the small businessman trudging through road blocks because their eyes are on the long term goals. They do not get caught up in the mental and emotional blocks that often halt the lesser inclined. They have a passion for performance that is always brought into everything they do. Tie that to creativity and an ability to take a risk and it is no wonder that those with all three traits delve ahead of the pack.
That certain magic glistening in the eyes and the ability to convey enchanting words that hold a convincing power no one can resist.
It is amazing but charisma will often take one farther than knowledge. To the business owner that combines both, there is nothing to stop them. They have that kind of attraction that draws the listener and the knowledge to back up the words to inspire confidence. These individuals appear competent, powerful and determined. We can all close our eyes and think of someone we would love to be in business with or that we wish we could harvest that seemingly secret quality they carry about them with ease. Charisma is such an important quality, and yes, it can be developed.
There are ways to increase charisma. First, be as aware of what you are not saying as what you are. What is your body posture saying? Are you smiling? Do you communicate clearly? These are all things that can be practiced. But ultimately, those who have the most charisma are those that truly embody the idea that Zig Ziglar said so often, "you can get what you want by helping other people get what they want." Those who live this ideal often are surrounded by others who see them as a mentor and one they would like to be like. Bottom line, charisma in terms of a business asset has to do with how well one can influence others by connecting with them.
Now draw all these attributes together: Optimism, Creativity, Risk-taking, Energy and Charisma. Pictures of top businessmen probably stream to mind. Men such as Martin Luther King, Donald Trump or even the Mother Theresa can be identified as powerful people with such attributes. The uplifting point is that each of these can be developed and learned. Choose the weakest one and begin to strengthen it. By living today, just a little better then yesterday, each of us can strive towards the goal of leaving our mark on the world and being someone that left it just a little better then we entered it.
Have a Prosperous Day
Cheryl Matthynssens
Have a prosperous day!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Emotional Management a Must in Business!
Managing emotions is an arduous task for some but a skill that is essential to success in business and personal relationships. We all have and experience emotions whether we like it or not. Managing emotions mainly deals with unpleasant emotions: anger, fear, frustration, depression, despair. Emotions are the feelings we experience day to day, such as happiness, pride, boredom, sadness, anger and frustration. Emotions are a part of our everyday existence as they move through the body, affecting our state-of-mind, performance, health and energy. Emotions cannot be helped. Emotions we don't even realize we are feeling can influence our thoughts and behaviors; they can also travel from person to person like a virus. Due to this virus like state, it is of the most upmost importance for those in positions of influence not only their own emotions but understand the need to monitor and perhaps influence the moods of others.
Management is in a unique position to dictate the pulse and rhythm in their workplace. "We engage in emotional contagion," says Sigal Barsade, a Wharton management professor who studies the influence of emotions on the workplace. Broken promises, laying the blame on others, dishonest communications, and ignoring employee suggestions are all unfortunately very commonplace in real world management. So how does management expect their employees to manage their emotions in the workplace if the tone that is being set is negative or one of disregard? Without that emotional-management component, a work environment can become toxic.
Those in leadership positions are often not really good at working with people and so spend a lot of their time avoiding and/or strategizing how to deal with, avoid, or get rid of those who are troubling. In fact a great deal of leadership is actually about emotion management. Emotions are also essential to inspirational leadership. These managers often lack the necessary people skills, communication skills and leadership skills to influence the emotional tone of the workplace. This is a critical oversight by those in upper management who do not get or provide the training to create a positive emotional tone. So in turn, employees’ moods, emotions, and overall dispositions impact job performance, decision making, creativity, turnover, teamwork, negotiations and leadership.
For Management to be in complete control of emotions of the workplace, they need to be a master of themselves, both theirs and their employees'. It is essential for employees to positive at work -- but this has to be supported by upper management. Employees need positive feedback, and if they do not see that coming, or do not even get acknowledged for their work, they will look elsewhere. This creates turnover and increased costs and lowered performance. Many employers in the current economy are quick to just higher someone else rather than address this aspect. They fail to look at the long term costs of losing an employee in downtime and in the retraining of a new employee.
One of the most fundamental things necessary to improve employees' attitude and to create a “culture of love,” is to adopt systems that recognize and reward those positive attitudes and behaviors. When managers are manipulative and treat employees just as "equipment" rather than humans beings, poor attitudes follow. And a workplace where emotions run rampant can turn off employees, vendors and customers alike. Similarly, it is the duty of the manager to ensure that he manages the negative emotional attitudes of his team in such a way that such attitudes are not reflected in their performance. Managers also need to learn how to lead by the example they set -how to deal with their own pain in positive ways that can inspire others to deal differently with their own difficult situations. Barsade gave the example of a manager who was dragged down at the start of every day when passing by the desk of an employee who either grunted or gave no acknowledgement. The manager took control and simply started following a different route through the office. If the company is losing money and experiencing the effects of downsizing, should the manager, feeling stressed and overwhelmed, convey his despair to his workers. Or should the manager try to appear cheerful and act as if nothing is wrong. Barsade says it's possible for the manager to convey emotions that are both authentic and positive, saying something like, "I know you're worried. The ability to summon positive emotions during trying times of stress is the key to being a successful manager.
Most organizations have traditionally focused on teaching logical and rational thinking and have neglected emotional learning in their development programs. The main implication is that organizations should focus on hiring managers with high emotional and social competence and also provide EI training and development opportunities to managers to enable them create a positive organizational climate. Effective listening is an important aspect of learning to do that as well.
Listening effectively is difficult because people vary in their communication skills and in how clearly they express themselves, and often has different needs, wants and purposes for interacting. Still, listening is an important skill and needs to be taught. The most basic of all human needs is the need to understand and to be understood. Feedback must take into account the needs of both the giver and the receiver. Otherwise, it can be destructive when it fails to consider the needs and feelings of everyone involved. Listen to words, body language and emotions to understand the player's both conscious and unconscious needs. By feeling heard, many negative consequences of a disgruntled or upset employee can be lowered if not stopped all together.
Managing emotions does not mean denying their existence or ignoring them. Never tell an employee he should not feel that way. Feelings are a biological reaction a circumstance, event or stressor and cannot be helped. How one can help is to acknowledge the feelings and help the employee consider positive possible choices they have to resolve their current feelings. Take a minute to consider the importance of active listening by thinking about how you can be a good active listener in terms of body language--or what you do during communication, voice--how you respond to the speaker, and content --what you say when you respond to the speaker. Active listening is an effective tool to reduce the emotionality of a situation. Every manager or sales team leader that can learn these skills will find that their team will overall increase in company loyalty and performance. Managing emotions is something that must be addressed, not avoided for success.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Effective Leadership in Business
When speaking on leadership, so many typical conversations occur such as being responsible or educated, but the fact is that there are many people out there that are highly skilled and educated, responsible to the core and possess a high ethical and moral value system that cannot lead. It happens time and time again, a person of great skill in a company is promoted due to their exceptional results, only to fail as a manager or team leader. So there has to be more to leadership then these elements. After doing some research, these qualities are what I found often are common amongst leaders: Inspirational, good listening skills, ability to forecast, and courage to act.
Leadership is lifting a person's vision to higher sights, the raising of a person's performance to a higher standard, the building of a personality beyond its normal limitations. It is not magnetic personality, that can just as well be a glib tongue. Leadership is getting someone to do what they don't want to do, to achieve what they want to achieve. It is about making other leaders and not followers. To do that, one must recognize the strengths in others and then nourish them. In projects that can allow for a little time and guidance, do not put your best man on the job. Put your second best man on the job and guide him to a number one performance. When you take others under your wing and nourish them to become leaders, you grow a team you can count on to make decision in your absence. This inspiration to be more then what one currently is not only builds self confidence in the individual, it builds investment in the company providing that leadership. An employee vested in the success of your company for personal reasons will perform at a much higher level then the one strictly motivated by the dollar amounts in his paycheck.
Get in there, roll up the sleeves and lead by example if deadlines are difficult or staff is short. There is nothing more inspiring to have your boss at your side sweating out the details rather then just expecting the results on his/her desk the next morning. This is not a new concept in the world of business and politics. Even John Quincy Adams stated, "If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." However to do this, to help others be even more then what they realize they are capable of you must have the second skill, good listening.
Active listening is one of those skills that's both surprisingly simple as well as surprisingly effective. It should include allowing others to make a point before interrupting, and valuing the opinions of others. In addition to improving your personal and professional relationships, listening also helps to prevent misunderstandings and facilitates cooperation. A great listening technique involves rephrasing the speaker's words and repeating them back to them. This shows that you are listening and are following them. Pay attention to what they are not saying as well as what they are. Sometimes a leader can pick up things to guide with by what the person is avoiding bringing up due to a lack of comfort in that particular subject area. Pay attention to the body language of the speaker. Does their posture show true intent or are they just speaking to hear themselves talk. When you respond, are their arms folded across their chest? This is a common defensive posture. There are many good books and seminars out there on communication skills, make sure to use one that includes active listening. One I recommend is Active Listening: Improve Your Ability to Listen and Lead (J-B CCL (Center for Creative Leadership)) Without this skill, you are not truly hearing the needs of important people in your life or business team and therefore, cannot take appropriate action.
Again, this not a new idea or a new revelation to business and relationships. Epictetus from 55 - 135 AD is quoted as saying. "We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak." Unfortunately, the competitive nature often jumps into conversations and we become focused on winning a point or making ourselves heard and we lose the concept of open-minded and receptive. An important aspect of good communication as well as personal growth.
Another important aspect of leadership is the ability to forecast. On a larger scale, businesses are forced to look well ahead in order to plan their investments, launch new products, decide when to close or withdraw products and so on. Often, the financial well-being of the entire operation rely on the accuracy of the forecast since such information will likely be used to make interrelated budgetary and operative decisions in areas of personnel management, purchasing, marketing and advertising, capital financing, etc. What often gets overlooked is what will the employees need to meet the ever changing needs of the company. Is there training on new concepts that are needed. Is the time taken to educate the employees on the reasons for the change and the positive end results. One mistake often made in business is to throw change at employees with a 'just do it' mindset. However, if employees or even children for that matter, understand what is to be gained in the change and what the impact to them personally will be; they will be better able to manage the change and move forward in a positive manner.
One of the most important skills is the ability to make a decision, to take action. Often in today's world, untrained leaders are put into positions to make decisions they do not feel empowered to make. A leader forecasts the end results of a decision and makes it. It is often heard by frustrated employees, "will someone just make a decision." Leaders maked decisions and stand by them. If they make a mistake, they own them and learn from them then move on. By rolemodeling decision making, you teach others to do the same. Whereever possible, give people the power to make decisions and learn. Face it, most of us got our best learning experiences when we fell flat on our faces. By listening to what is going on and monitoring our teams, we can intervene before such mistakes our disasterous to the company over all. A mentor of mine is always saying - "trust but inspect." That is our role as a leader, to teach and inspire others to reach for the stars. As they reach, we guide their progress and help them analyze their results.
People do not have to be born leaders. They can learn to lead. Take the time to listen to those that are where you want to be. Forecast your decisions and possible end results before making decisions then look at who you need to achieve that path. Inspire others by being the person, the team player, that you want them to be. In other words, don't sit back and tell what is to be done, show what needs to be done. Roll up your sleeves and be willing to stand side by side on the sales floor, the copy room or even the mail room if there is a need and a shortage. Not only will it show your leadership skills and that you care for the team you lead, it will allow you to hear new ideas and spot problems quicker, it will allow you to find your future leaders as they step up beside you.
Cheryl Matthynssens
Wealth Masters International
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Free or Low Cost Marketing Ideas to get your website out there!
Traffic Exchanges: These seem like a good option on the surface when you are looking at the free traffic aspect. If you are someone who sits at their computer all day. It is indeed an option. I actually surf the exchanges while watching T.V., while waiting with my lap top and when I am bored and curious. They are much better as a paid advertisement. Your time is worth money too. Many exchanges for a low cost will place your URLs instead of you having to search for credits.
If you are promoting anything with AdWords. They do not like traffic exchanges. Create a splash page - a Catchy graphic billboard ad that when clicked on, will bring people to your site. I found a link that not only gives free splash pages, it also organizes a large number of the exchanges so you don't lose your log in information plus allows you to refer others. The advantage of it was that once I set up all the exchanges with my primary business and the URL that had all the exchanges organized, I began to get free credits from referrals. Took awhile but now it is just spinning in credits on its own. The Program is called Traffic Tornado - Awesome Tool - I give it an 8. I would give it a ten but it took awhile to get all set up but.. it was FREE.
A couple of programs that drive traffic and you could list in your exchange URLs are also: Six Links and Affiliate Funnel. Click them to check the look of these out. Six Links was free. I upgraded Affiliate to be allowed six options.
A similar concept is the surf bar. This little bar flashes a new ad up as I am going about my business. Every time the little text ad changes twice, someone is seeing mine once. Again, it was free but you can also pay so that you don't have to have the bar on your own computer. I give this a 7.
I found some other low cost options and using an ad tracker, found that they do indeed work. My favorite of these all would have to be Monster Traffic. For only ten dollars a month, this site is on automatic for me. It sends out a daily email to about 300 people a day. It rotates my sites through its home page as well as a small classified ad. I just go in once a week and change my email as I am still testing which email has the best response. It was an easy, low cost option and is indeed driving traffic to my primary business at DrinkACT. I give this advertising option a 10.
Another one that was low cost and has been a wonderful tool is TrafficWave. It has free 30 day trial but even then, was less then 20.00 a month. It includes: Build Your E-Mail Marketing Lists. TrafficWave.net Auto Responders help you efficiently follow up with prospects and convert more prospects in to sales. You can publish email newsletters and e-mail marketing campaigns. It also lets you track your results. It has more benefits that those of you who are webbuilder savvy might understand. I am still new to a lot of these and am just learning the benefits and drawbacks of autoresponsders. Anyway, first 30 days are free. I upgraded in two days because it lets me set a free letter to those coming into the FFA page and I mail out about 300 opt in letters a day. This one has a lot I still need to learn. I give it an 8 only because I don't understand it all yet. But the parts I have mastered are wonderful.
This one was simple and easy and if you upgrade, you got two for the price of one. It is called FFA Storm. It has a set it and leave it responder and I mail out about 500 opt in emails a day with this program. I give this one a 9.
Here is the list of other program and ratings I have been using. They are similar to the ones listed above. All these together, if I started them all at once would be about $250.00 for the upgraded versions. However many of them are free to try or set up. I added them slow enough that it was not a financial burden. Do to the fact that all of these are either free or have affiliate options, I pay nothing for my advertising. However, to get there, you have to share your affiliate URLs through the traffic exchanges or occasionally run them as one of your weekly emails. Anyway, here is the rest of the programs I am using, I hope they help:
* Multi-Links
* X-Stream Traffic
* Daily Targeted Leads
* Kiosk.ws
Oh one last thought, on the programs with the opt in emails. I have had more success if I go in and refresh my ad weekly and just spruce up the title. I only spend about an hour a week on my advertising so I can spend my time doing what I love most, writing! Well, unless I am surfing.. then I am always advertising because I have my surfbar. Have a prosperous week, I hope this helps some of you who are where I was not so long ago. Beautiful Websites - No Traffic!
Cheryl Matthynssens
Monday, September 7, 2009
Overcoming Adversity in Business Takes a Positive Attitude
Adversity does not have the ability to ruin your life if you do not allow it to do so. Sometimes adversity is what you need to face in order to become successful. It is the giant that does its greatest damage on the battlefield of our mind (not our body). It humbles us, but it’s our loneliness in the face of those setbacks that is devastating. The most important ingredient of success is the ability to bounce back from adversity. One trait above all others reliably predicts whether a person will be successful experience in overcoming adversity and that is a positive attitude.
Resolve in advance that you will meet and overcome every difficulty, and then, no matter what happens, don’t give up until you do. If "why" you want something isn’t strong enough, you may find it difficult to overcome the roadblocks. To maintain a positive attitude when the going is rough is difficult if your reason to do so is not motivating. Only then do you have the ability to overcome and summon the strength to do so. Persistence can overcome just about anything, given enough time. When you are feeling like you may not be able to overcome a roadblock, take a moment to remember a time that you WERE able to overcome adversity. How did you feel when you were able to overcome the roadblock and celebrate the success?
Attitude and motivation still transcend knowledge, skill, and technology as the most important contributors to success. A daily dose of motivation helps us cope with the challenges we face every day, giving us strength and reinforcing our beliefs in our own abilities. It helps us maintain our attitudes. Use positive quotes and daily affirmations to help keep you focused. Brainstorm other solutions if the path you have chosen appears blocked. Forecast possible end results to each brainstormed path and then choose the one that seems most likely to bring you success. If at first you do not succeed, well then use the old adage, "try try again."
Overcoming adversity is something we must deal with each and every day regardless of social position, economic background, race, creed, lifestyle or culture. Make no mistake, though hidden from plain sight, on the other side of every challenge is the opportunity to experience immense personal growth. You must maintain hope and perseverance. Then and only then will you overcome and experience the success that you deserve.
Have a Prosperous Day!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Familiarity Breeds Success!
This is in fact, an important tip (not a secret) and an opportunity for you to put it to work for your online business today.
Have you ever wondered why --- only a handful of internet marketers are raking in huge profits from their website while the rest of them are not succeeding?
I will point out one of the most important reasons (there are several critical reasons -- but this tip can be implemented right away) why most marketers are failing to achieve the level of success some do.
Here it is...
A successful marketer understands that 'people forget easily' --- and that, 'Frequency equals Familiarity equals Confidence equals Sales'.
Frequency = Familiarity = Confidence = Sales
This is a key strategy all successful internet marketers already know, and --- will actively seek for places where they can get the opportunity to practice this principle.
Ask yourself this question...
Are you implementing this principle in your marketing strategy? Are you taking advantage of every opportunity that comes along to put your product, service, or opportunity in front of a targeted audience?
I wish you all the best with your Internet endeavors!
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Have You Heard of Suzanne Somers New Product Launch?
Anti-aging doctors and health experts have long agreed on the importance of anti-oxidants to enhance our immune system and stave off age-related illness; with Vitamin D at the top of the list. While we can absorb vitamin D from the sun exposure, most of us do not get our 15 minute daily dose. Especially up in here in Grays Harbor where the sun does not really shine to much in the winter. Okay, I am fairly certain that for four months we do not even see it through the gray and gloomy skies. This combination of product is a great solution for those of us who either can't or just don't get sunshine.
The company that Suzanne Somers is teaming up to market this line with is DrinkACT. DrinkACT is a web-based energy drink company founded in June 2005 by Mark McKnight. Combining experience and a proven track record with direct marketing, he developed the DrinkACT concept to combine the power and technology of the Internet with an intense and proven word-of-mouth marketing strategy.
DrinkACT is a quickly-developing energy drink giant. DrinkACT is well on its way to changing the landscape of how consumers not only choose what energy drinks they buy, but also how they buy them. DrinkACT is also re-defining customer loyalty by allowing those customers to become Dealers, and for the first time, participate in the $93 billion a year beverage industry. This company has enough momentum to take Suzanne Summers, Sip of Sunshine right to the top.
Here is even better news. DrinkACT is so sure of their product line and their consumer base that you can either purchase retail, or you can sign up to sell both DrinkACT and "Susanne Essentials" Sip of Summer for free. They give you a turnkey website, all you do is pay for the product you wish to consume or resell. Your customers can buy direct. No wonder Suzanne chose them.
Check out her product line by clicking here and clicking on the buy retail button: Remember though, it is free to back up and sign up and get it wholesale!! http://robertdm.drinkactweb.com/
Friday, September 4, 2009
Complacency - The Business Killer
Complacency is a business challenge that almost every sales force faces. It is not the result of apathy, carelessness or a flaw in personality. It is what happens if a task or job becomes too repetitive and it can happen without employees or managers even realizing it. Complacency can also occur when Business Owners become almost prideful and narcissistic in themselves; in other words they take their contentment in success too far.
Owning a successful business is one of the truest ideals of the World Dream, a joy and a privilege, and not to be taken for granted. Many complacent business owners have hit some of their initial goals, so they become satiated. The novelty of the business has worn off, and there just isn't that "fire in the belly" that drove the first few phases. Bear in mind that in order for most companies to get business, they have to take it away from someone else. If a business owner becomes complacent and not watchful, it will be their business that loses customers and sales.
Complacency is an intrinsic flaw that prevents people and organizations from pushing beyond the status quo to achieve exceptional successes. Success, and the resulting tendency to become complacent, often leads organizations and individuals to believe that they are very talented, have figured things out, have the answers to all the questions, and no longer need to get their hands dirty in the trenches. To avoid this issue, an organization must have absolute clarity in their sales process, with the measurements of the key activities that drive the organization's sales funnel. By defining the key activities that drive a customer through each phase, an organization can define the behaviors that are most relevant to managing sales performance. By keeping employees invested in the company goals, a manager or owner can help everyone keep their eyes on this very important aspect of performance.
Salespeople often get complacent in booming economic times, only to suffer extreme disappointment when there's an economic downturn. We've all faced this issue in our careers & we've witnessed others who get complacent. Many of our jobs are repetitive in nature, and the more we repeat what we are doing, the better the chance that we are becoming complacent without even realizing it. When complacent, the valued things that had captivated our thoughts, hearts, and energies tend to fade from priority and can even become mundane or the boring routine of everyday life. Like water, complacent people follow the easiest course -- downhill.
Complacency is a known problem and must be clearly recognized as a causal factor in killing sales and business success. It can kill entire organizations. Complacency makes people fear the unknown, mistrust the untried, and abhor the new; especially the new. In the face of complacency, Business Owners and employees resist change. They will stick to what they have always done even when it stops working because.... well it is what they have always done. Take a look around your business practices or your office. What is your company's yearly, quarterly and monthly goal. What part does each member of your team play in reaching that goal. Get your entire company or sales team invested in the goal. Only then can you and all those you work with insure that you stay at the top of the mountain rather then sliding down the easy stream to failure.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Book Review: Secrets of the Big Dogs
Once downloaded, we expected this to be like many of the other e books we have read on marketing. A 'sucker in the get rich quick' entrepreneur. This book was a surprise. It starts off by taking the wind out of anyone who thought they could just get online and begin getting rich. It dispels many of the myths around creating a website and waiting for the money to roll in. It covers in the very first chapter, many of the mistakes that brand new and even tried and true marketers make.
This book is written with the brand new markerter in mind. An experienced marketer might gloss over it quickly with an "I know this" attitude. However, if you take your time and read through the simplicity, the message is clear and concise about the common mistakes and misconceptions.
Only then does the book go into how advertise your business successfully without using a high advertising budget. The Big Dog System creates a self-generating market budget that once built, can then be switched over to market anything you want and changed on a daily method.
* We tried the method for two weeks and found these results:
* You can set up the whole system for less then $250.00
* The instructions are very detailed and leave no room for error if you follow all the steps.
* You must be able to create an eye catching Title for your ad to get results (they do offer help)
* The results are tracked for your ad so you can monitor success.
* It is not a get rich quick system. Our estimate from our test results is that you would be self-generating free advertising in about two months. It would actually add additional income in four months depending on your ad writing abilities.
* Part of the system, once set up, sends you a tested marketing idea of low cost each week to add to your advertising routine.
* It only took about four hours to completely set up. It only took about 30 minutes a day to monitor and that is only because we were being highly critical.
* By taking the time to explore the system further, we increased hits to our blog within 3 days.
http://balancedfreedom.blogspot.com We used this website for our test as we could track the hits.
We would recommend this e book to even the most experienced marketer. Even if you are using part of their system already, they are detailed on how to get it to be self-generating to lower your advertising budget. It is simple enough for the new marketer. It Umbrella's your advertising sites in a manner that allows you to also refer others with a single URL. If you join the Big Dogs, they will send you a tested marketing idea each week so that you can slowly build your advertising without bankrupting your budget.
Product Review: Does Prospect Response deliver responsive prospects?
We are all faced with mounting problems getting email out to our lists. Spam filters and places like AOL are making it more and more difficult every day even to deliver legitimate messages in the process of fighting spam.
Even though email marketing has been tainted by the endless flow of spam (and overzealous email filters), email promotion need not be a frustrating experience any more.
Prospect Response ensures your message always gets there:
• They PAY your prospects to read your ads!
• You can get hundreds or even thousands of fresh leads every day!
• Each message is double-checked to ensure it does not trigger spam filters
• All email is delivered with personalized precision though proprietary technology
• The company works with ISPs to ensure your messages are not trashed into spammers' blacklists
and a lot more...
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
The Power of a Compliment
By giving a compliment, you give others a good feeling about what they're doing, as well as the feeling that what they're doing is appreciated. Learn how to give an honest and sincere compliment. A compliment, given sincerely and publicly, shows regard and esteem for the recipient. People love compliments, but only when they're sincere. By mentioning someone's first name, the compliment gets really personal and adds to its sincerity. If this is done in a positive, complimentary way even customers will appreciate the extra effort.
Giving and receiving compliments in business is tricky so it's important to know how to do it properly. Compliments are easy to give in the work place as long as you don't comment on someone's appearance. Giving compliments using correct business etiquette in the workplace is a way of bringing someone up to your level. Especially if you are in senior management and you give someone a compliment, it encourages them because it makes them feel like they're worthy. While most companies offer monetary rewards, don't underestimate the power of a compliment, says Ken Moore, president of Ballston Spa, N.
When someone gives you a compliment in business, the ideal way to respond is by giving a compliment in return, this is good business etiquette. If you have projected a matter or area that deserves a thank you and are complimented, tell them "Thank You, that's the way I always do business. We give more to people we like, we prefer to do more business with people we like, and we eliminate friction when the people are likeable. Therefore in business, you need to be one of "those" people.
If you never offer a compliment, look at the quality of your relationships. They may not have the closeness or foundation you were hoping to achieve. You can begin or enhance a relationship simply by giving a compliment. A compliment sends a positive message to the receiver and has a tendency to bounce back on the sender, strengthening the relationship.
If you are on the receiving end and not used to receiving compliments, you may not know the proper way to accept one. The worst way to handle compliments, is to brush it aside with a casual "it's nothing" or "oh, I don't really deserve it." We should always honor the opinions of others, and when we receive compliments, respond in a way that shows we appreciate the kindness and thoughts that went into it. You will stop getting compliments if you push them away. And whether you become shy or uncomfortable, the truth is, it is still pleasing to know you are appreciated.
Regardless of whether it is to strengthen your business, your relationships or your home life, compliment have unmeasurable power. A simple smile can be the only bright spot in someone's bad day. Take the time to thank people, compliment good work and smile at them. Not only will it strengthen all that you want to achieve, you will find that you also just feel better yourself!
Have a Prosperous Day
The Balance Guide