Friday, August 21, 2009

Life Skills Coach - Where are you?

I was asked recently why I did not have a website for my life skill coaching. The answer to that is actually quite simple. I have not needed one. I average 12 clients at a time in addition to helping my business team mates to a certain level. This takes up most of the time that I am willing to work. Being a teacher of balance in life, I will only work a set number of hours a day. The rest of my time is devoted to my passions, my family, my health and my own personal searches of interest. I love to travel and see things in our world. I absolutely love to just sit and watch people. People are fascinating! I even have a membership to the zoo and my children are grown.

My favorite aquarium!

If someone is looking for a life skills coach and is interested in the things they have read from me. Let me be quite candid. A life skills coach is exactly that. They help a person overcome obstacles that the individual puts in their own way. If you need help with past abuses, emotional trauma or an addiction, you need to see a professional licensed counselor. However, if you often seem to fail when you want to succeed. If you give up easily, get side tracked or just are not where you want to be in life, a life skills coach is ideal. You can use both but be sure to choose one that never asks you to be a part of what they are doing. Not a single member of my business team has ever been a client. That would be unprofessional. However, I often help people on my team, once they are there, in a mentor capacity.

What Kind of Things Do you Work On?
This may surprise you. I don't tell them, they tell me. One of the first things I have my clients prepare is the following questionnaire.

What three problems do you feel you need to work on?
What are you willing to do to work on them?
How do you sabotage your own efforts? (shoot yourself in the foot)
How will you know when you have successfully addressed these three problems? (what will life/you - look like? sound like? be like?)

The next thing I do is have them create their wish list - 100 things they would like to do, see or have. Some one asked me if this is like a bucket list? Same concept.. yes! For example, I wanted to see Mount Rushmore. I just crossed that off my list!

If you are willing to do the two above things and would like to retain me as a life skills coach, please email me at with the first four questions, how many sessions a month you feel you would like and I will let you know if I have any openings and my current compensation rates. I will warn you, I am relentless and do not accept the word 'try'. To Quote Yoda - "You either do, or you do not!" (smile)

I posted those above, however, because just by filling that out on your own, without a coach, you can learn a lot about yourself. The 100 things list is a motivator to get going on your goals so you can cross items off. Also, if you are in a business that has mentors, they can use those questions to help focus and get you going.

My advice to everyone. Live today better then yesterday. If you do that each day. If you just give a little more effort, make a little more progress, say a few more "I love yous", exercise or walk just one more minute... etc - Life cannot do anything but get better!

Have a prosperous day!

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